Comdex Dashboard

Hello Comdex community!

We want to build a Comdex Community Dashboard to serve the ComdexCommunity. By having all the latest Comdex-related social feeds, blogs, videos, and Dapps, community members can quickly stay informed and interact with the Comdex ecosystem. Check us out at ‘’.

Proposal Details:

Alphaday is freely accessible and usable for any user. The purpose of the dashboard would be to onboard new users and devs to the Comdex ecosystem as well as serve existing users as a data aggregator.

We’d appreciate all feedback!

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Things I liked

  1. One-Stop Shop: Having all Comdex-related info in one spot makes it easier for both newcomers and veterans to stay updated.
  2. User Engagement: A well-organized dashboard can significantly improve community engagement, driving more interest in Comdex projects.
  3. Aggregated Data: From price charts to social feeds, having everything in one place could be a huge time-saver.
  4. Community Feedback: Alphaday seems open to iterating the dashboard based on community input, which is always a good sign.
  5. Onboarding New Users: For those new to Comdex, this could serve as an excellent entry point, with beginner resources readily available.

Things I need to know more about:

  1. Cost: Is $4,000 too much or too little for what’s being proposed?
  2. Maintenance: Who will be responsible for long-term updates? The proposal talks about maintenance, but it’s still a lingering question.
  3. Data Reliability: If APIs and data sources change, how quickly can Alphaday adapt?
  4. Overload: There’s a risk of information overload. Too much info in one spot can be overwhelming and counterproductive.
  5. Centralization Risks: Does having a single aggregator for all things Comdex put too much influence or control in the hands of Alphaday?
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Good points @VilSa_9

One thing to add is why the funding is required up front, I rather see it as a payment for a milestone being met when the first version of the product is delivered. That gives more control over the execution imo

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Hello Comdex community!

Thank you for your feedback so far.

Cost: Regarding the cost, we could revise it once the dashboard is built. But note that the grant size reflects the dev team’s hours required to build out the Comdex Dashboard. We generally require 3 devs (1 frontend, 1 backend, and 1 content analyst) working on this for 5 days. Additionally, we are open to being paid after (instead of before) we build the dashboard and finalize it.

Maintenance: Long term upgrades are done mostly by me (content) and I will always be available on this forum or Discord if the Comdex community or someone assigned to the task of feedback requests a change. I have already been doing this for many other projects we’ve partnered with. We are also looking to expand our team.

Data Reliability: It depends on what changes. Sources are much easier to adapt to as it takes just me to make the change. API changes require more time as backend devs will be involved. If Alphaday offers that widget (e.g. Uniswap) then we will be prioritizing a fix or a new adaptation asap, as all of Alphaday’s dashboards’ contents would be jeopardized. Depending on the change, this can range from 1 day to up to 14 days (where research is required).

Overload: Once we build the initial draft dashboard, you can check it out and provide feedback. If you think some widgets require removing/adding/changing contents then we can do that too. You can also ask us to add a new widget to the dashboard that you may find useful, provided it is feasible on our end.

Centralization Risks: In our roadmap we have a task in the future to delegate the task of individual dashboard maintenance to individuals assigned by the projects themselves. For now, Alphaday aggregates data automatically in most widgets. That being said, we do not forcefully control the data fed to each widget unless the community asks us to add/remove certain content; we only maintain it. It could also be that a certain post or news is a “scam” or sheds negative light on the project, and so we choose to remove it manually.

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Did you already reach out to the team itself for this as well?

To get an initial response?


Not yet, since we decided to follow the procedure provided by the team in the post below:

In a week or two we will follow up with an on-chain proposal I believe. In the meantime, please share any other feedback you got regarding the proposal and invite others to do so as well, if possible.

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Thank You for giving better clarity on the points I highlighted & sharing your plan.

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