#45: cSwap Liquidity Mining Incentives: Revamped Reward Distribution (Phase 2)


With cSwap our mission is to enhance our platform’s functionality and user experience and offer users the easiest way to swap between any assets. In line with this commitment, we introduced an update to the cSwap reward distribution model, designed to make it more intuitive and effective for all our users.


In the pursuit of improving cSwap, a series of strategic modifications to the rewards system had been proposed and implemented. A significant aspect of this evolution was the transition away from the Boosted Pool Concept. This change, already in effect, is geared towards simplifying the reward structure, making the distribution process more straightforward and user-friendly.

Furthermore, the implementation of a more efficient reward system has been achieved through proportional incentive distribution, based on the liquidity of each pool. This ensures that incentives are distributed fairly and proportionally, reflecting the actual liquidity contribution of each pool. The final key enhancement involves a strategic reduction of incentives on pairs with lower liquidity. This approach is designed to optimize resource allocation and the effectiveness of our incentives, focusing them on pools that significantly contribute to the liquidity.

Our revised plan proposes allocating 43,732 CMDX for a period of 14 days.

The distribution of these rewards will commence once the current reward phase concludes.

Two new pools CMDX/USDC, and CMDX/BAD have been added into this incentives phase

The breakup of rewards for each pool is as follows:

Your perspectives and feedback are vital in shaping the future of cSwap. We encourage you to share your views on these proposed changes.

As we move forward, we will continue to enhance our platform and incorporate community feedback, ensuring that our evolution aligns with the needs and aspirations of our valued users.

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