Comdex-Devnet Max Button / Lending Page

Hello Comdex Fam,

I have 2 suggestion for you.
The first one is about max button on swap section. Whenever I use this option I face up with insufficient balance error

like here and I need to decrease amount of cmdx than swap occurs. Why? It is not friend of user it requires me 2-3 more step. I’m totally sure that every user like functional, easy usable dex. So if we click the max button and if it calculated fee outside of the amount it would be better and better.

The other one is about dark/light mode. When random user get inside of it appears as light mode and it is really complex for user. Harmony of colours is really not cool. It leads complexibility. But the dark mode is really hilarious. My suggestion is dark mode should be opening page of the comdex.

Firstly look at dark mode and then light mode and choose your side.

Thanks to take it into consideration.

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