Extending Incentives on $CMDX and $CMST pools on Crescent Dex

We have witnessed a highly encouraging response and a good influx of capital into the CMST pools on Crescent, the incentive plan had successfully attracted approximately ~$800,000 in liquidity to the CMST trading pairs. Due to this positive response, we have decided to extend the incentives for another 90 days.

Incentives breakdown:

  1. CMDX/bcre Pair: 60,000 CMDX over 90 days.
  2. CMST/bcre Pair: 450,000 Harbor tokens over 90 days.
  3. CMST/axl.USDC Pair: 1,350,000 Harbor tokens over 90 days.
  4. CMST/grav.USDC Pair: 1,350,000 Harbor tokens over 90 days.

Your feedback is valuable and is essential in driving our continuous improvement and growth.

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Do the pools also have a healthy trading volume? Or is the liquidity mainly sitting idle for people chasing APRs?

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Check the volume here for the Crescent pools: