Goal: Increase Liquidity on staked assets pairs such as STKatom/STatom or no stable assets STosmo/STatom
Thesis: The liquid staking liquidity is fragmented across many chains and nobody is seeming to do this. cSwap is the best place to do so, allowing ranged liquidity on staking derivative pairs.
I think this could be very beneficial long term. Please feel free to discuss below on possible benefits and risks to doing so
cSwap already offers ranged pool feature that concentrates liquidity within a specific price range. Additionally, cSwap allows users to place limit orders to further enhance experience. These features already provide users with a similar experience to the concentrated liquidity + orderbook model being developed by Osmosis.
The UI for the orderbook feature in cSwap is still under development. Once UI is released, users will be able to access more advanced orderbook trading features. The current features in cSwap already provide users with the benefits of concentrated liquidity and limit orders and users don’t realize it.
It’s not 100% UI friendly but the UI aspect of all apps is being heavily worked upon.
Here’s me placing limit orders on a ranged pool