stOSMO on Commodo

The below discussion is to add stOSMO market to Commodo.

The following are the parameters determined for stOSMO as per the Risk Analysis framework: LINK

u_optimal - Optimal Utilisation value : 60%
base - Base borrow rate (Borrow rate at 0% Utilisation) : 0.2%
slope_1 - interest rate slope before U optimal : 8%
slope_2 - Interest rate slope after U optimal : 160%
enable_stable_borrow - Is the stable borrow rate enabled or not : 0 (TBD)
ltv - Loan to value : 60%
|liquidation_threshold - It is the percentage at which a loan is defined as undercollateralized: 65%
liquidation_penalty - Penalty charged of debt if vault is liquidated due to bad Health Factor(Paid to protocol) : 7.5%
liquidation_bonus - Penalty charged of debt if vault is liquidated due to bad Health Factor (Paid to Bidder) : 7.5%
reserve_factor - Reserve factor is a percentage of the borrowed Interest rate the platform keeps in a collector contract : 20%
supply_cap - Maximum amount that can deposited/lend in a cPool : 250,000

We request our community to give us their valuable opinion and feedback on these parameters.
We’d be more than happy to answer any questions/queries you may have regarding any of the parameters.

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