UI Improvement suggestion

Quick and easy fix to the UI.

Can you add two additional buttons in the UI to go to Harbor and Commodo directly from cSwap?



good idea, in addition, they are react applications so they could be under one domain. (eg comdex) Everything would be much more convenient to navigate. Plus, people would know that it’s all on the comdex network

I would also suggest to design a landing page for Comdex dApps along the lines of the one of WynDex with three buttons for cSwap, Harbor and Commodo. Comdex definitely needs a mascotte too, DeFi is for Degens who don’t take themselves too seriously.


Hey @Skeletor and @CMDX_GOD,
We have considered your responses, and a lot of improvements will be coming in the next few weeks as we are working on cSwaps improved UI.
We really appreciate your feedback!

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